
About Judge Carlyn Hicks

A lifelong resident of Jackson and Hinds County, Judge Hicks has had an equal longstanding commitment to the community and public interests. Widely honored for her work to improve the lives of Mississippians through access to justice and civil legal representation, and beyond, Hicks’ entire legal career has been dedicated to serving the public. In July of 2020, Hicks was appointed by the Mississippi Supreme Court to fill the vacancy of then retiring Hinds County Court Judge Melvin Priester, Sr. In the time she has served the citizens of Hinds County in this capacity, she has proven she has the skills, knowledge, and ability to bring efficiency without delay of justice, is committed to community, and holds impartiality, integrity, and fairness as her guiding principles each day.

Hicks has a passion for service and making a difference, which drives her commitment to the community. She serves the community, she’s committed to community, and she’s from the community. Hicks is a graduate of Jackson State University and Mississippi College School of Law and a proud product of the Jackson Public School system. Hicks and her husband, Derrick, have a daughter named Leigh and are members of the historic Mount Helm Baptist Church. Hicks and her family engage in civic and community efforts to help improve the condition of children and families in Hinds County on an ongoing basis.

Since serving as your Hinds County Court Judge, Subdistrict One, Hicks has:

  • heard over 2,800 matters

  • closed/resolved over 600 cases

  • instituted new programs and interventions

  • enhanced courtroom practices

  • focused on efficiency of case progression

  • taken no days off

    Let’s keep her working for you!